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Kaiser Permanente Pharmacies
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Pharmacy Services in Washington | Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente Washington Pharmacy Services offers home delivery, mail order, and online refills. Also find lists of Kaiser Permanente and community pharmacies, and our drug formulary.
Common Pharmacy Questions | Kaiser Permanente
A list of commonly asked pharmacy questions.
A Safer Way to Dispose of Unwanted Drugs | Kaiser Permanente
Participating Kaiser Permanente pharmacies offer safe and convenient ways to dispose of unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medicines.
Mail-Order Pharmacy Services in Washington | Kaiser Permanen...
Order prescriptions online, by phone, fax, or mail, and have them delivered anywhere in the United States with no shipping charge.
Quitting Smoking | Kaiser Permanente
Provides questions to help you learn why you use tobacco. Discusses the benefits of quitting and offers strategies for quitting. Explains nicotine dependence and offers link to info on nicotine replacement therapy.
Traveler's Diarrhea | Kaiser Permanente
What is traveler's diarrhea? Traveler's diarrhea is a common medical problem for people traveling from developed, industrialized countries to developing areas of the world. High-risk areas for traveler's diarrhea include developing countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. Low-risk areas include the...
Depression | Kaiser Permanente
Discusses causes and symptoms like sadness and feelings of helplessness. Covers related illnesses like bipolar disorder and SAD. Looks at treatment with medicines, counseling, and lifestyle choices. Discusses suicidal thoughts and when to call a doctor.
Labor and Delivery | Kaiser Permanente
Explains labor and delivery, including planning, signs of labor, pain management, types of delivery, labor stages, labor positions, medical procedures, and what happens right after birth.
Tacoma Medical Center | Kaiser Permanente
See full profile of Tacoma Medical Center, Tacoma, WA for phone number, hours, departments and services
Grief and Grieving | Kaiser Permanente
What are grief and grieving? Grief is a natural response to the loss of someone or something very important to you. The loss may cause sadness and may cause you to think of very little else besides the loss. The words sorrow and heartache are often used to describe feelings of grief. Grieving is the process of emotional...
Silverdale Medical Center | Kaiser Permanente
See full profile of Silverdale Medical Center, Silverdale, WA for phone number, hours, departments and services
Pregnancy | Kaiser Permanente
As soon as you think you might be pregnant, visit your doctor or midwife. Your health in the early weeks of your pregnancy is particularly important. During your pregnancy, you'll have regular checkups. These prenatal visits can help you have a safe and healthy pregnancy. Your doctor or midwife is watching for problems...
Kaiser Permanente Central Hospital
See full profile of Kaiser Permanente Central Hospital, Seattle, WA for phone number, hours, departments and services
Feeling Depressed | Kaiser Permanente
Briefly discusses when feelings of sadness or anxiety may indicate need for treatment for depression. Explains emergency symptoms, like talk about suicide. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Offers tips to help with depression.
Capitol Hill South Building | Kaiser Permanente
See full profile of Capitol Hill South Building, Seattle, WA for phone number, hours, departments and services
Growth and Development, Ages 11 to 14 Years | Kaiser Permane...
Children usually move in natural, predictable steps as they grow and develop language, cognitive, social, and sensory and motor skills. But each child gains skills at their own pace. It's common for a child to be ahead in one area, such as language, but a little behind in another. At routine checkups, your child's...
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Hospitals Q1 2022 Financia...
The organization delivered on its mission of high-quality, affordable care through another pandemic care surge, the return of deferred care, and unprecedented labor shortages.
Depression in Children and Teens | Kaiser Permanente
Looks at depression in children and teens. Covers symptoms like anxiety, headaches, sleep problems, and lack of energy. Discusses treatment with therapy and medicines. Covers warning signs of suicide.
Moanalua Medical Center Receives National Recognitions | Kai...
Kaiser Permanente’s hospital in Hawaii receives three 2024 Women’s Choice Awards.
Anxiety | Kaiser Permanente
Briefly discusses physical and emotional symptoms of anxiety. Covers anxiety disorders, panic attacks, and phobias. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Offers tips to help with anxiety.
Medicare Drug Formulary 2024 | Kaiser Permanente
Suicidal Thoughts or Threats | Kaiser Permanente
Briefly discusses the warning signs of suicide and describes the risk factors for suicide. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Offers tips on how to get help.
Growth and Development, Newborn | Kaiser Permanente
What kinds of development occur in your baby's first month? Amazing changes are happening in your newborn's development. Babies' brains develop quickly, as they begin to think, learn, and remember. Newborns listen to and learn the sounds of language. They can communicate with sounds and facial expressions. Newborns also...
Riverfront Medical Center | Kaiser Permanente
See full profile of Riverfront Medical Center, Spokane, WA for phone number, hours, departments and services
Fitness: Getting and Staying Active | Kaiser Permanente
Defines fitness and why you need to exercise. Covers topics such as flexibility, aerobic fitness, and muscle fitness. Offers tips on becoming more active, establishing fitness routines, and maintaining a fit lifestyle. Also covers injury prevention.
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