Late CALIFORNIAN NEW YORK UPI Steady and scattered individual sent the market ahead The big tobacco issues American, Reynolds, Philip Morris, Lorillard and Liggett Myers which fell to new 1962 lows yesterday under barrage of selling, recovered anywhere from 2 to 4 points, leading the market forward. Paced by Lukens up more than 2 after reporting sharply increased first quarter earnings, other steels firmed fractions to a point. Ford was fairly strong in the autos along with Jersey Standard in the oils, but chemicals idled narrowly. Dow Jones final stock averages: 30 industrials 695.46 up 2.50 20 railroads 143.04 up 1.24 15 utilities 128.90 up 0.55 65 stocks 238.96 up 1.14 Sales today were about 2.88 million shares compared with 3.02 million shares Monday. NEW.
YORK By REYNOLDS of N.Y. and S.F. 223 Main TODAY'S Allied Ch 4 Allis Chal Am Air Lin Can Am Motors Am Smelt Ampex Anaconda Assd 103 Atchisn Avco Corp Beth Steel Bordens Brnswk Bike 33 Burroughs Cal Pack 29 Cater Trac Celanese Chi Rk Isl Chrysler Coca Cola Colum Gas Crane Crown Zell Cruc Stl Deere Doug Airc Dow Chem DuPont East Air East Kod 111 El Paso Fairch Cam Fibreboard 26 Food Mach Ford Mot 981 Forem Dair Gen Dynam Gen Elec Gen Food Gen Motors Gen Tele Georgia Pac 50 Goodyear Granite 39 Greyhound Int Bus 523 Int Harv Int Nick Paper Int Johns Man 53 Jones Kaiser Alu Kennicott 78 Kroger 27 Libby McN Libby Owens 60 Ligg My Lockheed 464 Lorillard Macy's 64 Magma Cop 71 STOCKS Members Stock Exchanges Street. Salinas CLOSE Monsan Ch Mont Ward Morrell Nat Bisc Cash 88 Nat Distil 30 Nat Lead NY Central 17 No Am Av Olin Math Pac 34 Pac Light Pac Pack Bell Pan Am 21 Penney JC Penn RR 16 Pepsi Cola 47 Phil Mor Phillips Pet Polaroid 187 Proct Radio Corp Raytheon 39 Repub St1 Rexall Reyn Met Reyn Tob Rheem Mfg 13 Richfield Safeway St Regis Pa 361 Sears Roe Shell Oil Sinclair Socony So Cal Ed Sou Pacific Sperry Ran St Oil Cal St Oil Ind St Oil NJ Stan Warn Stauf Chem Stude Pack Sunray Oil Texas Co Tidewater 21 Transamer Twent Cen Un Carbide 110 Un Oil Cal Un Pacific Unit Airc 45 Unit Air US Gypsum US Rubber US Steel 68 Varian 34 West Union Westg Air Westg Elec 35 Woolworth Youngstown McKess- Rob Zenith OTHER QUOTES "Quotations furnished by the tional Association of Securities Dealers." UNLISTED STOCKS Bid Ask Bayless Markets .17 California Water Service Cascade Gas Consolidated Freightways Fred Meyer Futterman 9 Kaiser Steel Pid. Lucky Stores 19 Pac Airlines Pac Gas Trans.
18 Portland Gen. Elec. Security Title MUTUAL FUNDS Affiliated 8.13 8.79 Boston Fund 19.46 21.27 Century Shares Trust ......14.25 15.57 Chemical Fund 11.62 12.64 Fidelity Capital 9.26 10.07 Fundamental 10.13 11.10 Mass. Investment 14.88 16.25 Mass. Growth Fund 8.66 9.46 One William 13.88 15.17 Television 8.30 9.05 Wellington Equity 17.26 BANKS Wells Fargo .70 Bank of America Chase Manhattan ....80 841 Irving Trust 47 Crocker Anglo United California .59 64 Valley National 69 First Natl Bk of San Jose POULTRY MARKET SAN FRANCISCO Dressed poultry ready to cook prices to retallers: Fryers 29-37.
Roasters 41-48. Hens under 4 ibs. 18-28. Hens lbs. and over -40.
Fryer- roaster turkeys 36-42. Young hen turkeys Young tom turkeys under 24 lbs. 37-42. Young tom turkeys 24 ibs. and over 34-40.
FRESNO (UPI- -Prices to poultry producers at ranch: Eggs Fresno area Large 26-27; medium 20-21; small 16-17. Modesto area--Large 25-28; medium 19-21; small 11-14. Live chickens, central valley and coastal areas: Fryers mostly 16: light hens 6-7, mostly heavy hens no price; broilers 20: roasters 24; squabs 70, delivered San Francisco 90. Weekly live turkeys: Young hens mostly 23-24; young toms fryer roasters no price; yearling hens 14-15, yearling toms HAY AND GRAIN STOCKTON UPI-FSMNS- Stockton grain prices reported by the State bidk, Market 10-day News shipment, Stockton basis: No. 2 western barley 46 lbs.
2.52½- 2.55. No. 2 white wheat 3.37½ yellow Calif. 00 corn 2.55-2.60. 2.55.
No. 2 yellow milo corn (TC) 2.47-2.51. 2.56-2.58. LIVESTOCK STOCKTON UPI-FSMNS Livestock: Cattle: Salable 50. Calves: Salable none.
Hogs: Salable 50. Sheep: Salable 50. Not enough offered to test market. Markets: demand for tobacco shares wiped out early losses and on small volume today. MARKETS AT A GLANCE By United Press International Stocks firm in moderate trading.
Bonds firm. U.S. government bonds irregular in very quiet trading. American stocks firm. Midwest stocks firm.
London stocks closed higher. Cotton futures easier. Grains in Chicago: Wheat closed unchanged to off cent; corn up to cents; oats up to off cent; rye up to cents; soy. beans up to cent; drummed lard futures unchanged to off 10 points. VEGETABLES LETTUCE U.
S. Carlot Rail Shipments For April Southern California 2 Arizona 225 Total United States 227 Sales FOB Shipping Point For April PHOENIX, ARIZ. (Central Ariz. Points) Best lots demand good, oth: ers slow to si fair strgr. compared type, Fri: Mkt ctns 1.50-1.75, occl.
1.25-1.35, 30s mostly 1.25, few 1.35-1.50, occl. lower. Precooling extra. Tuesday, April 10, 1962 CELERY U. S.
Carlot Rail Shipments For April Southern California 6. Florida 30 Total United States 36 Sales FOB Shipping Point April LOS ANGELES, (So. Calif. Districts) exceeds supply. Mkt strgr.
Pascal, 16 inch crts Oxnard: 3s a lgr 5.75-6.00, few previous commitments 5.50, 45 5.50-5.75, 1 mark 6.00; Orange 35 1gr. 5.75-6.00, 45 5.50-5.75. Foll liners topice extra. CARROTS U. S.
Carlot Rail Shipments For April Southern California 6 Central California Imperial Valley Arizona Texas Total United States 24 Sales FOB Shipping Point For April 1 ELI CENTRO, (Imperial Valley) Demand very good especially bulk. Mkt strgr compared to Friday. Topped 48-1 lb. film bags wirebound crts 3.25, occl. previous commitment 3.00, mesh sacks 3.00-3.10, few previous commitments 2.40-2.65, 50 lb.
sacks bos, mostly Icl sales, 2.00-2.15, few 2.50, occl. lower, bulk per ton, washed graded 55.00-60.00, unwashed mostly 45.00, few high as 50.00, occ. previous commitment 40.00. Topice extra. WESLACO, TEXAS: (Lower Rio Grande Valley) New regulations call for film pack of USone to inch In diameter and 6 inch min.
length 50 lb. sacks ige. bunch. Good inquiry but practically nothing available film packs too few sales to quote. CAULIFLOWER U.
S. Carlot Rail Shipments For April Salinas District SALINAS, (Central Calif. Points) Demand very good. Mkt stdy. Irv-Alv-Cent.
Dist. Film wrpd flat ctns 12s 16s 2.00-2.25 mos. 2.25, 1 mark 2.50; Sal Dist. 12s 2.25, few 2.35, 14s 16s 2.00, occl. 2.25; S.
Maria Oceano-Guad. Demand good. Mkt abt stdy. Film wrpd. Flat crts 12s 2.25, few 2.00, 165 2.00, occl.
1.75. Precooling extra. Total United States 20 Sales FOB Shipping Point For April FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SAN FRANCISCO UPI-FSMNS Fruits and vegetables: Cucumbers, slightly weaker, supply light, demand slow. Diego Co lugs 4.50-4.75, Florida bu bskts 9.75- 10.25. Onions.
slightly weaker, supply about moderate, demand slow. 50 lbs. med Oregon- Idaho yelows 4.25-4.50. Peppers, slightly weaker, supply light, demand slow, Calif. wndr type bells Mexico 27-28c lb.
Squash, slightly weaker. supply light, demand slow, Imperial Vly lugs Italian summer 4.50-5.00. Tomatoes, slightly weaker, supply fairly heavy, demand slow Mexico 2 lyr lugs 5x5 5x6 2.25-2.50. Spinach, sligthly weaker, supply light, demand slow, all Calif dists crts 24 bnchs 1.50-1.75. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO (UPI) Aggressive mand late in the session propelled all grains but wheat sharply upward today on the Chicago board of trade.
Whent ended off to up corn up 1 to oats off to rye up to soybeans up to CHICAGO (UPI) Cash grain sales: Wheat unchanged to higher; no 1 yellow hard 2.16%. Corn unchanged; no 2 yellow 1.14. 1.15; no 2 yellow local 1.13½-1.14: no Baltimore export 1.25½ no 3 yellow 1.11¼-1.14; no yellow 1.05 sample grade yellow 1.07¼-1.09¼. Oats unchanged; no 1 extra heavy white no 2 extra heavy white Rye unchanged; 2 plump 1.35N. Barley malting 1.33-1.53N; feed 1.05-1.25N.
Soybeans unchanged; no 1 yellow 2.55½ track Chicago. DAIRY MARKET SAN FRANCISCO UPI Dairy prices to retallers: Eggs- case 30 doz: FSMNS- Large AA 34-40; large medium AA 27-35; medium A 26-33; small AA 21-28: small A 19-27. Nulaid Farmers Large AA 35-40; medium AA 30-35; small AA 23-28. Sylvester Dairy--Large A 40; medium A 35; small A 28. Butter: FSMNS: AA and A 1b print print bulk A 57-61.
Cheese: FSMNS Single daisies processed loaf 5 lbs mild American cheddar 40 lb. block TEMPERATURES Wind. West NW 21 MPH. Sunrise 5:41 a.m., sunset 6:42 p.m. Moonrise 11:18 a.m., moonset 1:05 a.m.; first quarter 11:51 a.m.
Road, Ski Conditions SAN FRANCISCO UPI-Sierra Nevada resorts reported clear skies and good skiing today. Chains were not required on highways. The 9 a.m. report compiled by the California State Automobile and Ski Tow Operators associations listed the following snow depths: Highway 40: 73 inches at 5,800 feet, 145 inches at 900 feet, and 96 inches at 7,100 feet. Highway 50: 22-108 inches at 6,300 feet, and 68-108 inches at 7,400 feet.
Yosemite Highways 140 and 41: 82 inches at Badger I pass. BUDGET (Continued from Page 1) Unruh said he hoped the negotiators would be able to come up with a compromise in time for the Assembly to vote on the budget bill late tonight. "I'm still hopeful we'll get a budget out by the end of the week," he said. Stalled Month Republican and Democratic differences have stalled action on the budget for more than a month. Despite Brown's personal appeal 1 to the lawmakers yesterday to "Resolve the differences and get on with the work of California" the two parties were $20 million apart over their budget demands.
Republicans, outnumbered 34-44 in the Assembly, agreed unanimously to vote against the Democratic governor's budget proposal unless the administration came up with $20 million in cuts. "Where are they going to cut it?" demanded Assemblyman Jerome T. Waldie (D tioch), Democratic flood leader. "Do they want to cut out the program for mentally retarded kids? That would save $10 million. Do they want to cut out salary increases for state college professors? This smells of the meat ax approach." Assemblyman John A.
Busterud, GOP caucus chairman, replied that Republicans during the past month's deadlock had submitted specific reductions to the budget totaling some $19 million. "All were rejected by the Democrats," he said. "We have given them plenty of ideas where and how to reduce the spending program. Now it is up to them." More Good Weather Seen SAN FRANCISCO UPI Continued fair weather through tomorrow with little change in temperature was forecast for the Bay area and Northern California. The thermometer was expected to reach highs of 62 to 68 in the Bay area today and lows tonight of 44 to 50.
Northwest to north winds of 12 to 25 miles per hour were predicted. Funeral Notices DENTON: In Salinas, California on April 8, 1962. Lillian Denton. Beloved mother of Beatrice Denton. A native of Iowa City, Iowa, aged 82 years.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, the Mortuary, at 2 from Muller East Alisai at Pajaro Street. Inurnment Garden of Memories. JACKS: In Palo Alto, California on April 7, 1962. Margaret Jacks. Last surviving child of the late David and Mary Jacks of Monterey, A Friends native are of Monterey, California.
invited to tend the funeral services at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 10th at the Chapel of Roller and Hapgood, 980 Middlefleld Road, Palo Alto. Interment at 1. p.m. Tuesday at the Monterey Cemetery, Monterey.
Contributions to favorite charity preferred. Memorial services will also be held Wednesday, April 11th at 10 a.m. at the Castro Adobe In Monterey. LUCHESSA: In Watsonville, Callfornia, April 8, 1962. Walter V.
chessa. Husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Luchessa of Gilroy; father of Walter and Claudia Luchessa of Gilroy; brother of Alesio Luchessa of Gilroy; uncle of Louise Berri, Mrs. Lillian Crocker of Gilroy, George Berri of Watsonville, Mrs. Pansy Johnson Lincoln, Nebraska and of the late John A.
Berri; cousin of Mr. Mrs. Alfredo Luchessa of Soledad and Erminia Berri of Gilroy. Also by relatives in Salinas, Soledad, Petaluma, San Joaquin Valley and Switzerland. A native of Cugnasco, Canton Ticino, Switzerland, aged 67 years.
Funeral services Wednesday, April 11, 1962 at 9:30 a.m. at the Habing Mortuary, Gilroy, thence to St. Mary's church for Requiem High Mass at 10 a.m. Commital services St. Mary's cemetery, Gilroy.
Recitation of the Rosary Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. MARAVILLA: In Salinas. California on April 7, 1962. Andrea R. Maravilla.
Beloved wife of Genaro Maravilla; loving mother of Jose C. Rios and Mrs. Yolanda R. Ramos, Manuel A. Rios, Guillermo Salinas; sister of Benito Rios of Mexico.
A native of Mazatian, Mexico, aged 47 years. The funeral will be held, Wednesday, April 11, 1962 a.m. from the Muller Mortuary, East Alisal at Pajaro Street, thence to Christ The King church where a Requiem Mass will be celebrated for the pose of her soul commencing at 9:30 a.m. Interment Garden of Memories. The Rosary will be recited in the mortuary chapel on Tuesday ning at 8 p.m.
PABEN: In Salinas, California on April 8, 1962. Henry E. Paben. Survivors are his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert Paben of Salinas; one brother, Michael D. Paben, and a sister, Jo Ellen Paben, both of Salinas; his maternal grandparents, Mr, and Mrc. Earl W. McEntarffer, Lincoln, ka; his paternal grandmother. Mrs.
Alberta E. Paben, Coolidge, Arizona. A native of Salinas, aged 6 years. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, April 11, 1962 at 11 a.m. from Struve, and Laporte's chapel, West San Luis Lincoln Streets.
Interment will follow in the Garden of Memories. CARD OF THANKS MAY WE EXTEND OUR HEARTFELT thanks to those of you who expressed your sympathy in so many thoughtful ways during our recent bereavement. Your kindnesses have meant much to us. Mr. Mrs.
Charles Cavanagh and family. For Your INSURANCE NEEDS See Luther Wheeler State Farm Insurance New Offices at 600 South Main- 4-7884 H. Schmidt Cattleman, Rancher Dead August H. Schmidt, pioneer Monterey county rancher and cattleman, passed away in a Salinas hospital this morning PA August H. Schmidt after several years of failing health.
He was born in the Blanco district 87 years ago, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt, who pioneered there in 1852. Mr. Schmidt spent most of his life farming and raising cattle both in Blanco and the Soledad area.
He and his family moved to Pinnacles road 15 years ago. He was a charter member of the Salinas Farm Bureau, was one of the founders of the California Rodeo i in the early 1900's, held membership in the Monterey County Farm Bureau and the Monterey County Cattlemen's association. Surviving are his widow, the former Etta Bramers; a daughter, Mrs. William H. Stoffers of Salinas; two sons, Edward and August Schmidt, both of Soledad; four grandsons, and a sister, Miss Emma Schmidt of Salinas.
Mr. Schmidt was a member of Our Lady of Solitude Catholic church, His rites will be held Friday, 9:15 a.m., in Struve and Laporte's chapel, thence to Sacred Heart Catholic church for a requiem mass at 9:30 a.m. Interment will follow in the family plot at Garden of Memories. Rosary will be recited in the mortuary chapel Thursday at 8 p.m. Gov.
Brown Sees Demos As Winners SAN FRANCISCO UPI Democratic Gov. Edmund G. Brown, on the opening of a four-day political tour, said today the Democrats will campaign and win in 1962 as champs. And he claimed that his Republican opponent Richard Nixon showed that he "does not always put the truth first." Brown told 1,000 Democrats at a breakfast meeting here "I have never seen a team in better shape for opening day." Quake Hits Northeast MONTPELIER, Vt. UPI A "very strong" earth quake rocked buildings and shattered dishes today in a rumbling sweep across four states in the Northeast.
The temblor, which a scientist said might be the first of stronger quakes to come in the near or distant future, shook New Hampshire, Vermont, sections of Western Massachusetts, and Northeastern New York. The tremor, lasting five or six seconds, was feit most severely in the Green Mountains of Vermont. But damage was slight. Waggin' Tails Animals in custody at the city pound include a female wirehair terrier, found on Cabrillo street, and a black and white male terrier found on Marigold way. INCOME TAX PREPARATIONS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Bernice M.
Hendricks Office: Residence: HA 4-5618 OR 4-5978 18 Orange Dr. In 902 Oak St. Rear Upstairs Greenfield Salinas JACKS (Continued from Page 1) is to start receiving the benefits of the trust set up by Miss Jacks on the death of her brother's widow, Mrs. Mabel Jacks, or on Jan. 2, 1966, whichever event occurs later.
Miss Jacks bequeathed all her real property located in the Aguajito rancho area, together with the Castro adobe, truck garden property, equipment and livestock, plus 000 in cash, to Mrs. Doris Romie of Berkeley. Her Palo Alto residence, along with its furniture and assorted jewelry, was left to her cousin Karl Romie of Los Altos. The boards of trustees of Occidental college and the University of the Pacific received $25,000 each. To the San Francisco Theological seminary in San Anselmo, Miss Jacks left $25,000 to be added to the scholarship fund set up some years ago by her father.
The Valentine Residence, of San Mateo, a Christian Science corporation, was left $25,000 for building purposes. Clifford McElrath of Chualar and Albert J. Callahan received $20,000 each, and Norman C. Earl of San Mateo is to receive $30,000. To her employes, Mrs.
Mabel Reynolds and Mrs. Effie S. Sherwood, Miss Jacks left sums not to exceed 000 and $5,000, respectively. The First Presbyterian church of Monterey and James F. Van Loben Sels of Carmel receive $10,000 each by the will.
To Julius Schwartz and Yow Lee of Palo Alto, Miss Jacks bequeathed $10,000 apiece. Mrs. Catherine Flaws of Monterey receives $7,500, and Lloyd B. Tucker of Larkspur, $5,000. Other bequests were to Samuel McGowan of Monterey Gustav and Gunhild Hartstrand of Redondo Beach ($1,000 each), and Emma Perry of Salinas Miss Jacks willed $25,000 to Twelveacres, a children's home in Los Altos.
Mrs. Mabel Jacks is to receive an income of between $200 and $400 monthly during her life from the estate. Upon the termination of the trust, Miss Jacks willed that $25,000 be given to the Monterey Foundation, and $10,000 apiece to Radcliffe college in Cambridge, and Mills college in Oakland. She also directed that her pet Chihauhua dog "Sonny Boy" be taken care of out of the proceeds of her estate according to directions left with Albert J. Callahan.
Wells Fargo Bank American Trust was named trustee and executor of the estate. Denis Derano Dies at Ranch On Davis Road Denis Derano, 68, who had lived at the Dolan ranch at 160 Davis road about 10 years, collapsed and died there last night, Coroner Chris Hill and sheriff's deputies said. An autopsy will be performed today to the cause of death. Deputy Coroner Bill Rokes, who investigated, said that Derano had visited with a friend, Lino Polido of 181 Foster road and returned home. He heated a cup of milk and collapsed while drinking it.
He was taken to the Monterey County hospital by A-1 Ambulance service and pronounced dead on arrival, The body will be taken to the Muller Mortuary. The U.S. federal government conducted 26 nationwide industrial censuses; next being scheduled for 1964. WITHOUT OBLIGATION Pre-Need Arrangements Can Be Discussed Without Obligation Struve Soporte FUNERAL HOME CORNER SAN LUIS AND LINCOLN AVENUE SALINAS, CALIFORNIA SERVES ALL FAITHS HA 4-4854 Catches on Fire at LA SAN PEDRO UP1-The Liberian freighter S.S. Severn River caught fire while sp proaching Los Angeles harbor today, but fireboats intercepted the vessel as it entered the breakwater and quickly subdued the flames.
There were no reports yet on injuries or how many persons were aboard the ton, 441-foot Liberty ship, en route from New York to Yo kohama, Japan, via Los Angeles, with load of scrap metal. Coast guard and harbor fire boats swarmed around the stricken ship, sailing out of Panama and carrying 7,200 gross tons of scrap, as it limped into the harbor entrance, its number 5 hold burning. They showered the hold with streams of water that contained the fire within some 43 minutes. However, the coast guard said the fire still was smouldering and smoke was pouring from its hold. The vessel was steered into shallow water in the harbor where the burning hold would be flooded.
'Hot Potato' Game Foils SF Hold-up SAN FRANCISCO UPI Three women employes of downtown variety store foiled a holdup yesterday with a series of screams and a fast game of hot potato with sack containing $6,000. Cashier Marie Durant and bookkeeper Ella Bridges stopped to chat with cashier Marie Sparks on their way to the bank to deposit the money. One of two men standing nearby jabbed Mrs. Durant in the back and said, "This is a stickup." Mrs. Durant screamed and tossed the money bag to Mrs.
Sparks who screamed and tossed it to Mrs. Bridges who screamed and tossed it back to Mrs. Sparks who screamed and dropped the bag. By the time the money hit the floor, the frightened and confused would-be robbers had fled. Trial Continues In Damage Suit Asking $250,000 Jury trial of a $250,000 wrongful death complaint continued into its second day today as the plaintiffs rested their case.
Mrs. Stephanie Dienes of North Hollywood and her two daughters, Claudia, 8, and Julia, 5, are suing Darrel E. Bellah of Castroville and Miss Kathleen Hitchcock, formerly of Mountain View but now living in the state of Washington. A head-on automobile collision in which insurance Broker Robert Dienes, 38, was killed on Aug. 12, 1960, at the intersection of State Highway 1 and Nashua road, brought about the trial.
He was attempting to the car driven by Miss Hitchcock when his car and that driven by Bellah collided head-on, according to the complaint. QUADS BORN KUCHING, Sarawak UPIThe Malay wife of a local policeman here has given birth to quadruplets- all girls. Hospital authorities said the quads were born prematurely. Their total weight at birth was 8 pounds 4 ounces. SPACE (Continued from Page 1) (MATS) airliner this morning for the flight to Cape Canaveral and a one-day visit.
Russian and other Communist bloc members of the committee were also invited to view the launching from the Cape Canaveral launching site that heretofore had been "offlimits" to them. But officials said there were no Soviet delegates in the group that landed at Patrick Air Force base, about 19 miles south of here, at 7 a.m. PST today. School Office Is Moved to West Market It's moving day for the Monterey county superintendent of schools office. Miss Gladys Stone's staff is switching its working quarters from the second floor of the courthouse rented building at 132 West Market street, on which the county has taken an eight-year lease.
"It will be the first time in nearly 20 years that we've all been together under one roof," Miss Stone said today. She estimates that the courthouse office will be completely moved by this Friday. The department's audio-visual office, located on Railroad avenue, and its library, on Central avenue, will be moved into the new quarters next week. Some 35 employes are taking part in the move. The county's plans call for the construction of third superior courtroom in a portion of the quarters now occupied by the school's office.
Once the schools office is gone from the courthouse, the county counsel's office will be moved upstairs to occupy a portion of the vacated quarters. The county conusel's office then will be occupied by the county elections department. Denis Derano, 68, of 160 Davis road. Freddie McGill, 17, at Soledad. Mrs.
Alice Walker, 83, Santa Ana. Young Inmate Ends His Life At Soledad Soledad Correctional cility officials this morning reported suicide of a young inmate which was discovered last night at the centrai facility. Dead is Freddie McGill, 17, of Merced county, serving time on a morals charge conviction. He was discovered hanging in his cell at 10 o'clock last night from a noose fashioned from a radio earphone cord and attached to a towel rack. The discovery was made during a routine check of the cell area.
McGill had arrived at the Soledad north facility on March 20, following transfer from the Vacaville medical facility. Shortly after his arrival at the north facility he told officials he was afraid of some fellow inmates with whom he had previously had trouble et the Preston reformatory. The young prisoner then was transferred to the central facility in protective custody pending a study of the advisability of transferring him to another state facility. An investigation is being conducted to discover a possible motive for the suicide. FIRE DAMAGES CAR Salinas rural firemen were called to 641-A Mae avenue at 11:30 a.m.
today where fire damaged paint on the hood of a car registered to Mrs. Ann Miles. The fire, which started from a carburetor backfire, was out on arrival of firemen. The groundwork for EK MIC accelerated growth is Reynolds a Ca now being laid by RIP companies in the vanguard of the nation's Research Development effort. The Spring edition of our Recommended Investment Lists names 16 leaders in all recommended for growth potential.
9 stocks are new to this edition. For your free copy, mail the couMIC pon today. A THEME Reynolds Co. RIR a Ca Members New York Stock Exchange and other leading Stock and Commodity Exchanges. 223 Main Street, Salinas, California (Attention: Mr.
Fred Griffith) Please send me a free copy of the Spring 1962 edition of your Recommended Investment Lists. NAMI (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS DUNNE SPECIAL REDWOOD STAIN REDWOOD STAIN For shingles, shakes, REG. wood siding fences. Extra high quality $3.98 (offer limited) HAMILTON'S 2' 19 11 WILLIAMS ROAD PER GAL. NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 9 A.M.
TO 1.