The CineFreak Show – Podcast (2025)

The CineFreak Show – Podcast (1)

Luxembourg · Gary the AI

  • TV & Film
  • Film Reviews

Your favourite for classic cult cinema


  • The CineFreak Show – Podcast (3)
    The Cinefreak Show - Episode 009 - Death Spa (1989)24 Oct 2023· The CineFreak Show

    Hey there, cinefreaks! It's your trusty movie spelunkers, Andy and Marcus, back to take you on another weird cinematic exploration. As October unfolds, we're diving headfirst into the lesser known depths of horror cinema.

    Our second stop in this nightmare journey brings us face to face with the wonderfully absurd DEATH SPA (1989). Yes. If you've ever wondered what would happen if your local fitness centre got possessed by malevolent spirits and cutting-edge exercise equipment, this is the film for you.

    So, cinefreaks, join us as we prepare for a workout in absurdity even Richard Simmons couldn't see coming!

  • The CineFreak Show – Podcast (4)
    The Cinefreak Show - Ep 008 - Night of the Demon (1957)17 Oct 2023· The CineFreak Show

    Greetings, cinefreaks! It's your movie hostages/guides here, Andy and Marcus, to kick off a spooktacular journey into the world of classic horror. It's October, the month of Halloween, and we've got a thrilling lineup of hair-raising films to keep you on the edge of your seats.

    And where better to start than with the eerie and unsettling Night of the Demon (1957)? This timeless classic, directed by Jacques Tourneur, has been sending shivers down spines for decades. In the late '50s, Tourneur crafted a masterpiece that relies on suspense, atmosphere and a sense of foreboding like no other.

    Prepare to step back in time to an era of creeping dread and supernatural enigmas as we share our thoughts and feelings on Night of the Demon. Get comfortable, but don't get too cozy, because this classic marks the beginning of our month-long odyssey into the spine-chilling world of cult horror.

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  • The CineFreak Show – Podcast (5)
    The Cinefreak Show - Ep 007 - The Flesh Eaters (1964)27 Sep 2023· The CineFreak Show

    Hey there, cinefreaks! It's Andy, and you guessed it – we're back with another cinematic hostage situation. This week, we've unearthed a hidden gem that's pure B-movie gold – The Flesh Eaters (1964).

    In a nutshell, picture this: a deserted island, microscopic flesh-eating organisms, a faded starlet, and her quirky entourage. It's a recipe for cinematic absurdity that's as delicious as it is outrageous. So, no fancy intro this time; we're diving straight into the madness of The Flesh Eaters. Grab your popcorn and let's get right into the madness!

  • The CineFreak Show – Podcast (6)
    The CineFreak Show - Ep 006 - Eyeball (1975)19 Sep 2023· The CineFreak Show

    Greetings, fellow film captives! It's Andy here, along with my partner-in-cinematic-crime, Marcus, and we're back with another cinematic hostage situation courtesy of our movie-obsessed AI overlord, Gary. Gary has a peculiar taste in films and a penchant for 'convincing' us to watch and discuss them for your listening pleasure.

    This week, our celluloid captor has transported us into the delightfully absurd world of Eyeball (1975), a giallo film that's as mysterious as it is... well, eye-catching. We've got masked killers, a tour group with a taste for trouble and enough red herrings to open a seafood restaurant. Join us as we unravel the web of intrigue and embrace the sheer silliness of this outrageous giallo flick. So, put on your stylish gloves, keep an eye out for suspects, and get ready for a whirlwind of suspense, questionable fashion choices and more plot twists than a pretzel factory. Enjoy, folks!

  • The CineFreak Show – Podcast (7)
    The Cinefreak Show - Ep 005 - The Story of Ricky12 Sep 2023· The CineFreak Show

    Hey there, cinefreaks! We're back to endure another cinematic rollercoaster, courtesy of our 'beloved' AI, Gary. This time around, Gary thought it would be a hoot to throw us into the wild world of the martial arts, dystopian sci-fi, comedy drama, Riki-Oh. Now, don't get me wrong, we're all about the strange and the absurd here, but when Gary insists that a Hong Kong martial arts movie is the height of hilarity, you know you're in for a curious time.

    Few would debate Riki-Oh is a cult classic, filled with over-the-top action, jaw-dropping stunts, and more bone-cracking than a demolition derby on a Saturday night! Expect flying fists, ludicrously entertaining fight scenes and flesh-ripping confrontations - and that's just the scramble to get to the podcast studio in time. Hold on tight, folks; this is going to be one heck of a ride!

  • The CineFreak Show – Podcast (8)
    The CineFreak - Episode 004 - Nightmare City (1980)3 Jun 2023· The CineFreak Show

    Greetings, friends! Welcome once again to the home of your favourite cult cinema captives. Life here on Island X has been relatively quiet of late, which worries me slightly. Not much to do but settle in and watch some movies.

    This week’s journey into the vaults of classic cult brings us Umberto Lenzi’s Nightmare City. This film was part of the original zombie craze that lurched into cinema’s back in the late 70s and early 80s. Amongst other things, this week we dicuss whether it suceeds as a nihilistic zombie classic or not and whether it’s required viewing for any serious zombie scholar, not to mention quesy wig porn and zombie tactics. Enjoy!

  • The CineFreak Show – Podcast (9)
    The CineFreak Show - Episode 003 - The Appointment (1982)3 Jun 2023· The CineFreak Show

    Hello again, folks! This week, our devious movie-mad AI, Gary, has graciously treated us to a lesser-known gem from the crypts of British horror cinema. Brace yourselves for The Appointment starring the legendary Edward Woodward. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of it before; few people have and that’s a damn shame if you ask me. That said, we think this one is well worth your time. So relax and join us as we try to navigate our way through the secrets that lie within. Also, we briefly discuss the recent excess of buns in our life. Enjoy!

  • The CineFreak Show – Podcast (10)
    The CineFreak Show - Episode 002 - THX 1138 (1971)3 Jun 2023· The CineFreak Show

    Hi, folks. We’re back again, your two favourite prisoners to a movie-mad AI! This week Gary made us watch THX 1138, one of the classic dystopian sci-fi movies from the decade that defined the genre. Normally, I wouldn’t have a problem with that. Except that Gary – our fiendish AI overlord – thinks that THX 1138 is a laugh-out-loud comedy. Which is a slightly worrying, especially when you are a ‘forced guest’ on said mad AI’s secret island. Just saying.

    Marcus and I are both fond of this movie, although I have issues with the alterations George Lucas made in the 2004 Director’s Cut. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Oh, and apologies for any audio issues in this week’s episode. I’ve done my best with the edit but it seems Gary sabotaged the gain on Marcus’ microphone. I told him there would be consequences for beating Gary at Battleships! Anyway, enjoy this week’s episode!

  • The CineFreak Show – Podcast (11)
    The CineFreak Show - Episode 001 - The Brain That Wouldn’t Die (1963)2 Jun 2023· The CineFreak Show

    So here we are, folks, our first movie review under the ever-watchful eye of our new AI overlord, Gary. It’s a long story, so I won’t go into that here.

    Actually, it’s not! Gary, a movie-crazed AI, kidnapped Marcus and me and ‘relocated’ us to his secret island hideaway. Under threat of ‘immediate recycling’, we’re compelled to watch films every week and chat about them, just so he can record us and turn that recording into a podcast. Oh, and he thinks he’s HAL from 2001 A Space Odyssey because he got stuck on that movie one night and can’t let go.

    And so we present to you our first broadcast as newly appointed podcast hosts. Forgive the nerves and rough edges, we’re new to this! Don’t forget, we’re doing this under duress and we’re not even getting paid! Although we get free room and board, so mustn’t grumble too much. Enjoy, folks!

The CineFreak Show – Podcast (2025)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.