1. 風暴(2013)
你的感觉如何? 登录使用TMDB的全新评分系统. PG12 2014-05-03 (US) ...
警隊精英呂明哲 (劉德華 飾) 為逮捕犯罪團夥頭目曹楠 (胡軍 飾) 處心積慮且不擇手段,幾欲到手之際竟被兒時好友、慣犯陶成邦 (林家棟 飾) 攪局。陶為贏回對其品行徹底失望的女友燕冰 (姚晨 飾),求呂為其過往捏造臥底身份,並助其破案,最後甚至不惜出賣同夥。風暴過後,二人卻驚覺更陷渾沌…
2. Alan Yuen's "Firestorm" (風暴) - 2013 ScreenSingapore Film Review
7 dec 2013 · “Firestorm” made its world premiere at ScreenSingapore 2013. It will open the Asia-Pacific Film Festival in Macau on Dec. 12, and will be ...
Andy Lau (劉德華) has taken his share of risks, investing in filmmakers who may not have had a chance otherwise. "Firestorm," unfortunately, is a miss.
3. FIRESTORM (风暴) (2013) - MovieXclusive.com
12 dec 2013 · FIRESTORM (风暴) (2013) ... Synopsis: A storm is heading to the city of Hong Kong, and with it comes another occurrence so destructive, it vows to ...
Genre: Action/Thriller Director: Alan Yuen Cast: Andy Lau, Gordon Lam, Yao Chen, Hu Jun, Ray Lui, Kenny Wong, Michael Tong, Grace Wong, Terence Yin, Oscar Leung, Vincent Sze, Sammy Hung, Patrick Keung RunTime: 1 hr 58 mins Rating: NC-16 (Violence And Drug Use) Released By: GV and Clover Films Official Website: Opening Day: 12 December 2013 Synopsis: A storm is heading to the city of Hong Kong, and with it comes another occurrence so destructive, it vows to bring down everything it touches. A crew of seasoned criminals led by the notorious Nam (Hu Jun), armed with high-powered weapons, pulls off another smooth and violent armored car heist in broad daylight in a crowded street. Whoever tries to get in their way, they will show no mercy. This puts the police force to shame and humiliation. Movie Review: If there is one Hong Kong action thriller to watch this year, it is without any doubt the exhilarating ‘Firestorm’. Emboldened by the success of last year’s ‘Cold War’, co-producer Bill Kong has set veteran screenwriter Alan Yuen to stage an all-out, no-holds-barred cops-versus-criminals action film set in and around downtown Hong Kong. The result is simply jaw-dropping to say the least, choreographed and executed on a scale we believe has never before been seen in any Hong Kong movie, and better still, complemented by a tight engaging script that draws you into its character-driven plot and never lets go till the last frame. There is a hitc...
4. 风暴(2013)
香港闹市街头,一辆押款车被前科累累的重犯曹楠(胡军饰)劫持。重案组高级督察吕明哲(刘德华饰)率队赶往现场,与曹楠一伙发生激烈火拼。谁知危机关头,一辆突然出现的汽车 ...
香港闹市街头,一辆押款车被前科累累的重犯曹楠(胡军 饰)劫持。重案组高级督察吕明哲(刘德华 饰)率队赶往现场,与曹楠一伙发生激烈火拼。谁知危机关头,一辆突然出现的汽车搅乱战局。曹楠趁机逃走,而那辆车的车主陶成邦(林家栋 饰)被警方请入警局。陶和明哲是老同学,后来作为古惑仔混迹江湖。出事前他刚刚出狱不久。明哲以及成邦的女友燕冰(姚晨 饰)无论如何都不相信他和曹楠无关,而嚣张的曹楠更五次三番戏耍警察。为了抓住这个狡猾凶狠的对手,明哲决定安排内应潜入对方内部,无奈遭遇惨烈挫败。 站在人生的十字路口,陶成邦的选择成为左右战局的关键。而随着风暴愈演愈烈,正邪双方的界限彻底模糊…
5. Looking Back: Typhoon Yolanda - Give2Asia
21 okt 2016 · On November 7th, 2013 Typhoon Yolanda hit the Philippines with gusts of up to 235 mph. While the Philippines is no stranger to the power of ...
Give2Asia donors funded multiple projects in response to Typhoon Yolanda. Two projects focused on the Maliwaliw community, the hardest hit during the storm.
6. 風暴 (Firestorm), 2013 - IMCDb.org
Bevat niet: made | Resultaten tonen met:made
Pictures provided by: JB, NS3730
7. 1995 Ford Transit HK Police MkIII in "風暴 (Firestorm), 2013" - IMCDb.org
1995 Ford Transit MkIII in 風暴 (Firestorm), Movie, 2013 IMDB. Class: Cars, Van / MPV — Model origin: UK — Made for: HK. 1995 Ford Transit HK Police MkIII.
Class: Cars, Van / MPV — Model origin: — Made for:
8. An Analysis of Real Exchange Rates of Mainland China, Japan, South ...
... 風暴為分界,分析亞洲十種貨幣實質匯率的反應結果。實證發現金融風暴中受創較深的 ... 2013年第一季之總體經濟變數,共計樣本數為69筆季資料。先以1996第一季至 ...
本篇論文以 Granger and Teräsvirta (1993)所提出的非線性STAR模型,來進行東亞四個國家之實質有效匯率的實證研究。實證對象為中國大陸、日本、南韓與台灣四個國家,研究期間為1997年1月至2007年12月,樣本外資料期間為2008年1月至2009年12月。 實證結果發現: 1. 四個國家的實質有效匯率均拒絕線性假設,表示四個國家的匯率資料皆可以配適非線性STAR模型。 2. 模型決策檢定結果顯示,四個國家的實質有效匯率資料皆適合使用轉換函數為Logistic形式的STAR模型,即LSTAR。 3. 比較非線性STAR模型與傳統線性AR模型的預測能力,四個國家在STAR模型的預測能力表現較佳。然而AR模型與STAR模型的預測情況皆不甚理想
9. Current Tropical Cyclone Information 最新熱帶氣旋資訊 - 香港天氣觀測站
2013/08/03, 16:00 HKT (08:00 UTC). Time of Observation 觀測時間, 2013/08/03 ... JEBI crossed the Gulf of Tonkin last night and made landfall in northern Vietnam ...
TS JEBI ¼ö±a·¼É ¸¿P
10. Pacific Storms Calvin and Talim - NASA Earth Observatory
19 jul 2023 · A tropical storm neared Hawaii in July 2023, while a typhoon farther west made landfall in China.
A tropical storm neared Hawaii in July 2023, while a typhoon farther west made landfall in China.
11. Miro | The Innovation Workspace
Miro is the innovation workspace where teams manage projects, design products, and build the future together. Join 80M+ users from around the world.
12. 烈日风暴- 电影- 豆瓣
Exploding Sun(2013). 加拿大/ 科幻/ 2013-02-09(瑞典)上映/ 片长173分钟. 想看 ... make history. Among those on board: First Lady Simone Mathany, space ...
The world watches in awe as the Roebling Clipper is launched into space. Using state-of-the-art scal...
13. International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS)
Best track data through 2013 ... ibtracs_tape: Winds are now 10-min winds. Corrections that do not affect storm data. ibtracs_net: Made CF-1.0 compliant.
The last IBTrACS version 03 release. It includes storm data through 2016. The following is a summary of changes for v03r10.